I want to be like the football player...
I must be ready and could...
Placed in any position...
When being needed...
I must be able to also co-operate...
Mutual introspection and appreciated...
With the colleague of one team...
In achieving the aim...
Such was necessarily...
In responding to the life at this time...
The very high competition...
Narrow employment opportunities...
Made us...
Must be able to adjust...
And clever make use of...
Each opportunity...
Must be realised...
The capacity anyone not be the same...
But we must always try...
To become better...
Studied and continued to study...
In order to continue to be able to be playing...
And only did not become the spectator.
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hello ,i always like this game almost like a life ,wonderful painting of race,thanks for ur great and supportive words ,have a nice life
keep playing...dont let anyone to stop us :)
nice poem like always :) keep the spirit
(already add you on my fl)
gosh there is a change? motifation thank friends
@Baili...u r welcome :)
@Mino...yes keep playing until the end :)
@Richa...Tq Sist :)
@Jihad...yes bro n tq 4 u too :)
But we must always try...
To become better...
agree with that sentences
And only did not become the spectator....
Endingnya sangat suka neh... Mantab!
Wah, memang paling enak ya ngikut maen yak Mas. Jangan Hanya jadi penonton.... heheheheh...
Tapi Kalo cerita football neh, sayah suka dengan posisi back kiri Mas, Seperti Maldini... hihihiihi..
Oiya ultahnya sayah udah lewat Mas, 21 Agustus... :-)
just watch when ball are kiciking
semua koment diatas pake englsh, aku aja dah yg ngindonesiain. dna yah, pemain sepakbola yang aku tahu dan paling aku tahu adalah Kaka. dia aku tau kr menonjol, yg ga kutahu banyak, mungkin kr ga menonjol. tpi seperti katamu,
The capacity anyone not be the same...
But we must always try...
To become better...
Studied and continued to study..
dan yah, thats right. long life education, not only on football :P
@Fanny..yes we must like that :)
@iwa yg manis...makasih :)
@Buwel...aku juga he22, tq anyway :)
@a-chen...bener :) aku suka jadi pemaen cadangan wkwkwkwkw, btw ultah boleh lewat tapi traktirannya belom..hihihihi
@ST&SR...same with me :)
@Chi...nah aku suka kalau kamu komen puanjang2 gini hihihi, btw this is just sample or analogy so that point is like u said "long life education" :p
Duh, makasih tuk ucapan ultahnya ya... :-)
aku juga ngga mau jadi penontonnya, aku juga ingin ikut nyemplung dalam permainan, di kehidupan ini, bukan sepak bola, hwhehehehehhe !!
@buwel..iya sama2 wkwkwkwkw
@Inuel...iya itu intinya, kita harus jadi pemain yg serba bisa Noel, bukan hanya sekedar jadi penonton :)
ga suka sepak bola, tapi aku berharap bisa menjadi pemain yang bisa berguna dimana aja
go on.. keep run :) yap, life is high competition.
kalo jadi wasit gimana ya? hehe #ngarepp
I want playin' too
segalanya bisa jadi puisi di tangan yang kreatif...sampe2 sepak bola juga yah.......nice poem....
mmmm....lagi mau menyambut Piala Dunia ya mas?
@Clara..kita harusnya mmg spt itu, kalau gak kita bisa ketinggalan dan malah gak kepakek :)
@Pandora..yes, we must always studied for rich the best :)
@Anyin...wasit juga pemain loo, tanpa dia gak bisa pertandingan dimulai :)
@Wulan... let's play together :)
@Adit..bisa aj lo hi22, btw tq :)
@Exort..wkwkwkw, boleh dibilang begitu bro :)
i'm loving it ! :)
wao ... bal balan
wao ... bersama de javu
wao ... dalam puisi yang bermakna
si kulit bundar
gelinding sini
gelinding sana
tendang sisi
tendang sana
resiko kaki dihajar
banyak orang
satu tujuan
masukkan ke jaring
lupa bola
tanduk wasit
bola hilang
perkelahian bebas
ludes lapangan
kendaraan hancur
warung bangkrut
didalam dan diluar
darah berceceran
yang menarik
bila ada gol
wao ....
wao ....
wao ....
kuingin jadi pemain yang baik dalam kehidupan ini!
Halo Arema, I Love You!
Prestasimu kali ini membanggakan!
So true and beautiful. If only all people could think that way as a football player.
football n meatball has the same taste deliciouse hummm
kereeenn as usual.. suka juga dengan endingnya ;)
pagiii ^^
@anggi..yes Glory2 MU !!!! hihihihi
@nuansa Pena...tq, btw arek ngalam rupanya, hidup SFC jgn loyo gara2 belum gajian wkwkwkwkwkwkw
@Chyntia..yes but we must start it with ourselve first :)
@Richo...komenmu lucu :)
@Yolizz...Tq Sist :)
@Clara...pagi juga :)
Hidup persipura.... hidup chelsea.... hidup Barca.... hidup Gus hidink... hehehehhe
Selamat Siang Mas...
Pa Kabar Saudara Ku.... Moga selalu sehat Ya... Amiiin
@Ninneta..hidup MU!!!!! he2
@Buwel...selamat sore :)
@Achen...baik 2 sajo brother, tq n u too amiiin :)
maksudnya "I want to be like the football player" ya??
kamu yg bener el, soalnya toefl ku masih 50 hahahahaha, tq atas koreksinya :)
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