Not the end...

The discord...
It was an incident...
That must happen...
In this life...

There was the feeling lost...
It was constrictive that chest...

We often regretted...
Why must meet...
If finally parting...
Without realised...
Wisdom was overturned that...

Was apart because of the distance...
Because of the dispute..
Not the end...

When still breathing...
Time was still being felt...
Still had the opportunity...
To meet...
And forgave each other...

Was apart because of the death...
Not also the end...
There was no opportunity again...
To forgive each other...

Make use of available time...
Do not fall asleep by opportunity...
Was not easy to be obtained.


None said...

karena maaf sebuah kata yang mudah sekaligus sulit
mudah diingat dan sulit di ucap,

berilah yang terbaik sebelum perpisahan itu terjadi,

secangkir teh dan sekerat roti said...

have a nice day!

@minumino said...

every end is a new begining.. :)

Edwin's Personal Blog said...

First comment...
Sure about it...
But it's not the end...
As many others will follow then...

fanny said...

intinya jgn sia2kan waktu yg ada ya?

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Inoel...setuju, hmm komenmu semakin dewasa aje :)

@STSR...hv a nice day too :)

@Minoe...yes that's true :)

@Edwin's...that adjust with my title "not the end" :)

@Fanny..seharusnya begitu :)

Clara Canceriana said...

selalu masih ada jalan yg lain ya? makanya not the end

a-chen said...

mantab mas, jangan mudah menyerah.. ;-)

Ninda Rahadi said...

being apartm even it's forgiven, but Dunno why it's just feel broken :(

Anonymous said...

another beautiful post

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@clara...bisa dikatakan begitu :)

@a-chen..harus chen :)

@Anyin...memaafkan memang tak menjamin rasa :)

@B.Held..tq :)

a-chen said...

duh, maaf neh kirain blognya mas Aulawi linknya udah kupajang....hehehehe, ternyata belum ya.....
sekarang I.Alloh udah mas, barusan tak pajang di BLOG LISTnya A-chen Blog.... Maaf sebelumnya....

Nyunz said...

Ma'afin aku :D, ini kan weheheheh, nyepam boleh ngga :P

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@a-chen...hihihi it's ok chen :)

@Nyunz...opoo noel, promo ye ntik tak datangi ye hihihihi

exort said...

pergunakan waktu sebaik mungkin karena kesempatan hanya datang sekali, iya ga seh?

Unknown said...

met malam...mampir lagi meskipun inet lelet

Dream Competition said...

intinya never surrender gitu ya bro:D very good...

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Exort...bisa dikatakan begitu bro, intinya jgn terbuai sama kesempatan yang masih banyak karena waktu tak pernah berhenti :)

@Fanny...tq fan :)

@Aisha...yah seharusnya begitu Sist :)

@minumino said...

thx...tapi kayanya yg di tempat saya itu bukan puisi ah,,hehe
cuma ocehan aja.. :p

tukeran link yu...
i put ur link on my blog yaaa :D

Aulawi Ahmad said...

Hehehe aku juga gak nyebutnya poem kok, cuma ungkapan bernada poem :) oke kita tukeran ya :) said...

salam friend
nice ,,,not the end,,
jadi ingat dulu kecil,kalau lihat film sudah habis tahunya ada tulisan the end..

Aulawi Ahmad said...

hehehe bisa aja mbak :)

yans'dalamjeda' said... must go on

Kang Sugeng said...

Kunjungan perdana ini Sob, salam kenal aja dulu, kalo ada waktu mohon untuk visit blog sederhana saya. Salam dari Newbie

Aulawi Ahmad said...

Tq n yes that's true :)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

salam kenal balik kang...key aku akan berkunjung ketempatmu, siapin kopi ya hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

yup.. bener banget... hmmm cukup memberi pencerahan, thx yah

Aulawi Ahmad said...

sama2, seneng bisa berbagi :)

mocca_chi said...

waktu yg terbuang percuma ya? *ga nangkep kali ini*

Aulawi Ahmad said...

hihihi,,,yah bolehlah diartikan begitu :)

Eileen said...

wonderful :)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

tq :)
