The Writer...

Made a story...
Not was easy...
Need the concentration...
The imagination...
And thinking...
That was extraordinary...

That not only...
Composed one character...
But as far as tens...
With various...
The scene and the incident...
All that the gift...
The natural talent...
That was not had by anyone...

Such was story...
A writer...
Shared and communicated...
with they way...

Be creative...
To entertain...
So as the reader went along felt...
The sadness...
From being varied narrated...
That they created.

 Tq  clara  for this award i really appreciated that, n now i want to share this to :
5.RoSi AtMaJa
9.Ikutan Ngeblog
11.Smart Club


baili said...

hello ,beautiful again whoever is blessed with such talent ,has to bear lots of pain then he or she can put the colors of life in its creation have blessed life

dewi said...

yeah... be proud got thats talent from God....writing is our breath...

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Baili..yah u right they have great talent for that :)

@Dewi..yes that's true :)

Anonymous said...

selamat yah pak, dapat award lagi.. makin rajin nulis yah.. hutangku comment masih banyak nih, hehehe....

vany said...

i think you are a good writer, mas...
because your poem can entertain the reader....
*it's compliment*

anw, thanks for the award ya.. :)

Ninda Rahadi said...

heart it! ;)

ellysuryani said...

Nice. For me the writter need a honestly soul.

Clara Canceriana said...

ehehe, pake bahasa indonesia aja yak...*bego inggris mode on*

makasih udah dipajang awardnya dan dibagikan ke orang"...

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Irni...tq, tenang aja bu itu bisa diatur hihihihi

@Vany...ur welcome, hmmm i just amateur writer that try to share :)


@Newsoul...yes, u right :)

@Clara...sama2 :)

anggi said...

Saya kurang begitu suka menulis... Saya lebih suka sepak bola sob. hehehe...

Unknown said...

kerern puisinya. selamat awardnya ya.

ƒitri LaskarHijab said...

hmm.. nice poem...
yup I thin so...
made story... is not easy...
and but not hard...

take'an easy with ur faith

a-chen said...

Blogging with passion like a writers...heheheh
Congrats 4 awardnya.... :-D

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Fanny..Tq :)

@Piet Puu...Tq, take an easy with ur faith hmmm nice words :)

@Ayas...nice to know u too :)

@Achen...passion with blogging :)

None said...

Penulis yang hebat, itulah dirimu..
mampu menggabungkan kata yang bingung jadi ngga bingung.. hehehe

aku pengen jadi seorang penulis :(, selamat yah awardnya :) !!

ajarin aku buat jadi seorang penulis :)

liza said...

betul betul... i do agree with u brother

exort said...

setuju....emang ga gampang buat nulis, apalagi nulis yang bisa menggugah perasaan pambacanya
anw selamat ya atas awardnya

Blogger Admin said...

award yah?selamat deh...namanya dejavu...jadi inget sesuatu deh hehehehe

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Inuel...yah nek podo2 sinauw ne ayooo hehehe

@LIza...okelah kalau begitu :)

@Exort...setuju Bro, tq anyway :)

@Adit...Tq ya, hmm inget ma siapa nih :)

miwwa said...

lucky you, you have that gift. a talent to be a writer.

mocca_chi said...

menjadi penulis kreatif itu menyennagka memang, tpi susah. ewod, keknya ak dpate,belum ke tempat clara.... >.<

Slamet Riyadi said...

waduh baca postingan kok rambutku jadi blonde gini yak? hehehe
maklum katrok, indo aja yeh

selamat buat awardnya

ali afif said...

yo wes, blogging with passion, eh passion with blogging... :-)

Aulawi Ahmad said... not me, i just amateur writer :)

@Chi...susah tapi menyenangkan :) iya u dapet kok hohoho

@Asslamdunk...enak toh gak usah ke salon lagi hihihi, tq ya:)

@Asyin...wes enak'e piye :)

Unknown said...

soree....bawain jus sirsak dan risoles.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

horee..tq fanny :)

i N a said...

this is so nice.. i love the first stanza, that was so true..

please visit mine and feel free to leave any comments.. thanks..

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@iNa...tq, n i will visit ur blog early :)
