You like apples...
Sometimes sweet...
Sometimes also was sour...
Depended the atmosphere of your heart...
You like pineapples...
Used the crown...
But you not the queen...
You like bananas...
Have many relatives...
Have many friends...
Because you could receive the way it is...
You like mangosteens...
Was difficult to be guessed...
Sometimes yes...
Sometimes not...
Forgive me...
When supposed you...
Like the fruit...
Not my intention...
Humiliated you...
I only tried depicted...
How yourself...
Used my method...
I hoped you could understand.
wah, siapakah dia itu? kok, buah2an semua. btw, stroberi gak ada ya? hehhe
ups..award dariku blm dipajang ya? hiks...
sebenernya aku mau buat sajak buah2an, tapi gak tau jadinya begitu hehehehe, award darimu sbnrnya dah tak pajang dibawah tapi utk postingan emang belum, harus pas banget temanya (kayaknya strawbery cocok deh):)
like it so much!
lucu, haha...
btw, thx bwt kunjungannya :))
@Fifiet...sama2 :)
i create poems to, most of them are in bahasa Indonesia. put that in my friend.s web : kemudian[dot]com but now it's still in maintenance.
i don't find it is comfortable to read this. okay, rules are made to be broken. but somehow there's no taste in this word-work (i may say in Bahasa Indonesia : Karya Kata)
feel free to comment me back as you like ^^
@Cemputh...Tq 4 ur input, i really apreciated that :) certainly i'll visit ur blog to n maybe give a comment, just wait hehehehe
hehe well,, Cool :) :)
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