The challenge...

It was a process...
To understand something...

Learned to be the obligation...
And the right anyone...
There were those who was difficult...
There were also those who was easy...

There were many that could be studied...
In this life...
Not all needed the cost...
That important had the wish...
And the opportunity...

The wish to begin...
The opportunity to make use of...

Often happened...
The wish was available...
But the opportunity did not have...
Like that also was the reverse...
So as...
Many that became hopeless...
Sit fell silent...
Was waiting for fate...

All that...
It was the challenge...
That must be dealt with...
And each problem must have the solution...

To ourselves...
To increase the motivation...
In order to be able to study with all heart...
Made use of time...
Made use of the available potential...
In order to be not thrown away was in vain.


none said...

jangan pernah berhenti untuk belajar
henny suka sebal sama orang-orang yang sudah dibiayai ortunya untuk kuliah, tapi malah uangnya diselewengkan atau bolos kuliah, dampaknya ga lulus-lulus.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Henny...hi2 aku dulu kul jg begitu, males belajar wkwkwkw...tapi sadarnya setelah lulus n gawe, bahwa belajar itu pentiiiing banget, terutama bagaimana teknik belajar yg bener dan apa tujuan kita belajar :)

baili said...

hello thank you for encouraging words i am grateful,wonderful post delivers the deep faith and hope thanks for beautiful writing and blog take care

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Baili..ur welcome :)

Chris said...

Great poetry. I enjoyed reading your blog very much. Keep up the great work. You're very talented.

Unknown said...

malam..mampir aja. lagi gak bisa koment nih.

Elsa said...

bener banget!!!
ayoooo tetep semangat!!!!
keep fighting!!!

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Christ..Tq bro :)
@Fanny...he2 mendengar dirimu eh melihat dirimu mampir aj dah seneng he2
@Elsa...hmmm tq kunjungan plus commentnya :)
