The Strawbery...

Your kindness...
So noble...
Implied from your attraction...

Thousands of words that contained the meaning...
Was said...
Through your cute hands...
Shared the story...
About the heart scream...
The dream...
And hope...

All that...
Opened thoughts and the heart...
Gave many inspiration...
For everyone...

With one aim...
Only to share...
With the sincerity of the heart...
Not hoped for the expression of thanks.

NB. For the friend who gave this appreciation.. thank you, really meant so much :)


Unknown said...

strawberry? gubrakk! langsung pingsan baca puisinya. sgt menyentuh. tks ya dah dipajang. kan jadi cantik tuh blognya. ada warna merah di tengah hijau teduh.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@fanny...sama2 he2

Unknown said...

wa...ternyata awardnya mpe sini ya..


baili said...

you write so beautifully so pain is also a great help for thinking as deeply takecare

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Baili..Tq Sist :)
@Ratna...Tq yaaa :)

Anonymous said...

Your work is very nice. Keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

This is just fantastic!

Unknown said...

selamat pagi..gak bisa koment sambil nunggu artikel terbaru.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Tunsie..Tq n u too :)
@B. Held...NIce to cu Sist n Tq so much :)
@Fanny..Bonjour juga...Tq atas kehadirannya :)

cebong ipiet said...

dair mbak fanny pasti deh

nietha said...

selamat buat awardnya

warcoff said...

@CI & Nietha : tq :)
