All had the portion...

In this life...
There were two sides...
That was connected with each other...

There was the leader...
Must have the subordinate...
There was the top player...
Must have the reserve player...

Not all of them...
In the position that was wanted...
Depended the capacity...
The expertise...
The opportunity...
And fate...

All had the portion...
Be not possible for all to become the leader...
To the top player...
Or always in front...

There were those who must yield...
Although be forced...

Must be patient...
Although being not easy...

Such was lived...
always must think positive...
for optimal results.


Itik Bali said...

Good poems,
setiap orang sudah punya posisi sendiri
sesuai dengan kodrat yang diberikan

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work. I really enjoyed it!

Anggi Zahriyan said...

yuupp... berpikiran positif dan sabar adalah salah satu kunci untuk sukses.

Unknown said... easy to be patient.

Clara Canceriana said...

susah buat think postif T^T

puisinya bgs
kapan ya aku bisa nulis dalam bahasa inggris?

mocca_chi said...

bagian in ak suka, setiap orang punya bagiannya sendiri2, ga usa ingin unggul dlm segala bidang, ga usa pengen pinter bahasa inggris juga kr uda ade guru bahasa inggris *gampar*

dan eh eh, ada bagian yg disakitin dan menyakiti juga ya.... nah loo

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Itik Bali...Tq ya..yah begitulah hidup :)

@B.Held...Tq Sist i really enjoyed too when u here :)

@Anggi...Insya Allah begitu Bro :)

@Fanny...iya emang sulit tapi harus :)

@Clara...Tq ya,kapanpun bisa yg penting mau mencoba :)

Ninda Rahadi said...

think positive???

duh aku sering suudzon mas :S huhuhu

exort said...

and remember...
it's not easy to be a leader..
it's not eassy to stand in front...

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Chi...wah aku suka komenmu ini lain dari biasanya hehehehe, tapi permisalannya kok masalah pake bhs inggris ya wwkwkwkw..btw betul kalau soal menyakiti dan disakiti, tapi itu juga termasuk resiko hidup toh "such was lived" :)

@Anin...gpp suuzon kalau untuk waspada atau berhati-hati asal jgn berlebihan :)

@Exort...yes of course, everything have risk bro :)

inuel said...

saling mengerti dan memahami..
saling membutuhkan..
dan tak boleh mengampangkan orang lain yang berada dibawah, kira2 begitu kali yah :D, klo salah diem aja yah , hahahah

RanggaGoBloG said...

saya dataaaaaaang... semoga berkenan menambah sahabat,... heheheheh

Rosi Atmaja said...

yah setuju banget kang, meski kadang menjaga sabar dan positif ngga semudah teorinya. nice poem

Yolizz said...

tiap orang emang udah ada porsinya masing2 di dunia ini... jadi rasanya mending ga usah terlalu 'sok' karna tiap orang itu pasti punya kekurangan dan kelebihan masing2,, yang sempurna hanyalah Dia yang menciptakan kita...

Kika said...

Ayoo berpikir positif..

None said...

begitulah hidup, harus selalu bisa saling membutuhkan, saling memahami, juga mungkin saling memberi, harus bisa bertahan, apapun resikonya, hayahhhh , ngemeng epe pek aku iki, hikikihikihikihi... ada award di blogku mas, ambil yah !:)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Inuel2...mmmm bolehlah diartikan begitu, tapi intinya hidup ini dah ada bagian masing2 :)btw hoyee dapet ewod ntar tak ambil deh :)

@Rangga...dgn senang hati bro :) tq kunjungannya :)

@Rosi...betul susah tapi harus :)

@Yolizz...Setuju, makanya kita harus selalu berpikir positif :)

@Kika..yuuuk :)

Unknown said...

met hari minggu.

vany said...

i agree when all had the portion...
but, i think think positive and be patient isn't easy...
sometimes, we hate it when our friend become success, don't we?

mc said...

datang mau ambil bagianku, mana bang?

hehehe.. maksudnya biar ga sebel am diri sendiri kr ga bsa bahasa inggris, kr klo semua pinter, siapa yg mau jd murid kan:P

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Fanny...met hari senin :)
@Vanny...yes it's hard Sist, easy to talk but not easy to act :) tq b4 :)
@Chi...hmmm kamu mau yg mana dulu, cinta atau materi ? hehehehehe..oooh gitu maksudna, itulah kalau kita emang dah py bagian masing2, ada yg pinter dan ada yg belom pinter :p

Ikutan Ngeblog said...

coment dulu ah.. hehe.. la gak tau artinya..
yang penting udah hadir disini..

just bookmark said...

mampir aja hehe :)

Anonymous said...

Your post always gives one a reason to "think"...Happy Holidays and my wish for you in the coming year is that it will be overflowing with new and wonderful accomplishments.

Best Regards,

Anonymous said...

Your poetry touch the heart. The ages talk in your verses and I like that. Thank you for the wisdom through love.

Yes, we all are connected with each other. That's obligatory to grasp for the looser could accept his fate and enjoy her (thank God for the opportunity not grieve for self but welcome the winner open-heartedly) because the Christmas makes us the new creations, who all are the winners. Thus I felt myself free of my disability bounds and boldly approach you
dear friend,
Merry Christmas!

Cynths said...

Thanks friend, this really opened my eyes to each person's role in life. I often question why I'm here and why she's there. But yeah, we must accept that we all have places in this world, be it a leader or a subordinate.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@INGB...Tq bro :) ente bisa aja merendah, btw intinya semua dah punya bagian masing2 dlm hidup ini :)

@JB...Tq dah mampir, tunggu balesannya hehehehe

@A.J.Jhonson...Tq madam, all my post just try to share not taught :)Tq very much 4 ur pray n best wishes 4 u too, happy holiday n happy celebrated christmas :)

@Candleday...Tq Mr Tomas, i really appreciated that, happy celebrate christmas :)

@Chyntia..ur welcome sist, nice if my post seldom could help u :) succes 4 u always :)

a-chen said...

mantab mas, motor pun kalau tanpa pentil tak bisa berjalan ya... :-)

how much you know said... are you today :) im visiting you

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Achen...ya bener, apalagi pentil tanpa motor hehehehe

@How...Tq n i visiting u too next :)

@Ninneta...horeee dapet ewod,tq segera meluncur :)

baili said...

hello ,with positive thinking we can turn the desert under feet into a lashing garden positive thinking is a child of hope which is a base of our faith in dear god.god bless you

NURA said...

iya yang penting berpikir yang positif saja deh,,
semua sudah diatur oleh ALLAH SWT,,
tinggal bagaimana kita berusaha merubahnya,,mau sukses dan maju atau tidak.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Baili..yes that's right n God bles 4 u too :)

@Nura...setuju mbak :)

Elsa said...

berpikir berkali kali dulu baru ngerti artinya apa. hehehehe maklum, agak kurang sense of poetry nya.

good poem!

Aulawi Ahmad said...

TQ Elsa..ambil intinya ja biar lebih mudah memahami :)
