All was preceeded from the ignorance...

The baby...
It was humankind that just was born...
The symbol of the holiness...
Only could cry...
Sleep and drank milk...

When we still the baby...
We did not know anything...
Not was felt anything...
None knew what was felt by us...

We only remembered...
And began to feel the life...
When we began to be able to speak...
Could distinguish the father and the mother...
And played with the friend was as old...

Such was the life...
All was preceeded from the ignorance...
There was the process of studying...
Felt, knew and understood...
Until having the aim...
In undergoing the life in this world.


Con Artist Trickster said...

When the studying is so demanding
The examples are so misleading
Then ...

(Sorry if it sounds so pessimistic)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

No problem bro :)...thats all reality of life....:)

Unknown said...

kita semua lhir dlm keadaan seputih kapas walaupun tetap ada dosa asal dari Adam dan Hawa tapi..hati kita setidaknya lebih murni saat baru lahir ke dunia. setelah besar mulai deh tercemar.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Fanny...setuju, yg disayangkan kita selalu terlambat memperbaiki diri dan malah enggan untuk berubah walau tahu sesuatu itu salah....:)
