Please don't cry

Please don't cry...
Forgive me...
That could not keep the promise...
To bring our heart...
Towards the holy gate...

Not my intention to deny...
Because for me...
Promised not the appearance statement...

You must know...
I could not to realize the certainty...
Because I am not the Lord...

I also not request...
You must be waiting...
I only ask for...
So that you believed to me...

If you always...
The most beautiful woman for me...
My earthly paradise...

If this the best...
For us at this time...
Although bitter...

And believed...
If fate not belonging to us.


baili said...

wow , It was great . Rebounding makes the love deep and strong .beautiful attempt.Take care

Just Bookmark said...

please forgive me too...hoho

vany said...

i believe in you, mas...... :)

warcoff said...

aku percaya jika takdir memang bukan milik kita...:)

richo said...

do something better although it's hurt

buwel said...

Nggak Saya nggak akan menangis Mas, Saya percaya Tuhan Maha Penyayang... hiks...

a-chen said...

Tapi boleh khan bila aku terus menunggumu Mas... :-)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Baili..tq :)
@JB...tq but please let me go wkwkwkwwk
@Vany...tq, n please tell ur parent when i'll marry u hihihihi
@Richo...yes that's our risk :)
@Buwel...sudahlah hapus airmatamu, nih 100$ buat beli permen wkwkwkwkw
@Achen..oh my God, knp dirimu? aku masih normal brother wkwkwkwkw said...

salam sobat
yes,,very nice,if don't cry,,
ayo kita bergembira,,agar sehat jasmani dan rohani kita.

Clara Canceriana said...

uhhh kasian...
mudah"an si cewek itu percaya ^^

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Mbak Nur...ayooo bargambiiira hehehe

@Clara...mudah2han hihihihi

@minumino said...

jd inget sesuatu :(

exort said...

ini pengalaman pribadi beneran ya? kl iya, gw yakin tuh cewe pasti tambah nangis dibuatin puisi ky gini :D

Unknown said...

kereeen..mestinya pacarku juga bikin puisi kyk gini nih. hehehee

None said...

aku juga minta maaf yah, ngga bisa nulis bahasa inggris :D..

aku jadi pengen di bilang djantiq juja,jhahah

nyunz said...

aku juga ngga bisa janji mas :D

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Mino..maafkan aku :)
@Exort..hmmm bukan bro, ini cuma karangan aj, kalau aku yg diingkari janji iyaaaa wkwkwkwkwk
@Fanny...hmmm kasih tau aku alamat pacarmu ntar tak suruh dia buat hihihihihi
@Inuel&Nyunz...kamu cantik dan surga dunia bagi pacarmu :) n jangan berjanji kalau gak mau hehehehe

liza said...

wow, what an amazing poem! its very deep brother
(sambil membayangkan seseorang menuliskan puisi seperti ini untukku)

Anonymous said...

so soulful . . . excellent work.

Dream Competition said...

I did not cry,these tears are falling himself hehehe

Yolizz said...

kepercayaan emang kunci utama dalam sebuah hubungan yah :)

i don't wanna cry, but the tears can't stop falling down :p

richo said...

to be a tough persont......... recover the waekness with action. not a cry

neng rara said...

puisi yg indah..mas

deeedeee said...


hmmm...*nyari-nyari kamus*

hmmm...sabar aja ya.. apa pun itu, mg yg terbaik... *sok ngerti*

baili said...

i am not a princess but yes i got that depth of joy what she had after helping bird ,and it is most precious gift of god thanks for such kind words god bless you

mocca_chi said...

janji janji janjii janjiiii * nyanyi* hiii

Rhien-chan said...

forgive me too :)
hehehe... udah lama nggak berkunjung ke blog ini.... :)
inspirasi puisinya dibuat dari pengalaman sendiri ya :D?

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Liza..hmmm ini kan khusus untukmu :)

@B.Held..tq sist :)

@Aisha...hehehe nih sapu tangan :)

@Yolizz...kalau dah gak kuat utk percaya..let him go, mungkin takdir bukan utk bersama :)

@Richo...kalau cowok mungkin bisa, lah kalau ce susah bro :)

@Neng rara...tq sist :)

@Deeedee.. tq :)

@Baili..yes i know, but tq 4 explain that..GBU too

@Nchi...maaf ya sayang, tapi janjiku bukanlah janji yang semu :)


Anonymous said...

That was wonderful. Very well said. Nice effort...:)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

Rien...kalau yang ini bukan, ini hanya karangan aja :)

a-chen said...

Mas... *_^ :-D

buwel said...

Ngambil 100 $ ajah... Makasih... :-)

alamendah said...

Sesekali boleh juga, dong untuk introspeksi diri agar esok lebih baik.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@achen..haiyaaaaaaa wkwkwkwkw

@Buwel..sama2 :)

@alamendah...iya ya silakan :)

@Jihad...tq bro :)

Elsa said...

all you have to do is just PASRAH...
danberdoa tentunya. soalnya mau protes juga gak bisa. hehehehee

Aulawi Ahmad said...

iya tinggal itu yg bisa kita lakukan :)

Dannesya said...

huwa puisinya ini tentang gagal nikah ya ya ya... sediiih
