My Inspiration

U are my inspiration...
All about u...
Could not be described by me...
Only with beautiful words...

Thy eyes that calmed... ...
Made me could not to turn...

Sweet thy smile...
Made me always talking honest...

Warmly your touch...
Made me always missed...

Truly u are the gift...
Your virtue enchanted me...
Even your fault...
Did not make me broken...
To always love you...

Thank you...
That gave me the inspiration...
So as more was motivated...
Continued to work and create...

U only remained at memory.

@This poem i dedicated 4 my sister Sang Cerpenis Bercerita tq for this award, i really appreciated this

@And then i dedicated this award to my sister : Clara and RoSi Atmaja


Kang Sugeng said...

xixixixixi... saya juga lagi posting award ini... selamat ya buat awardnya

Unknown said...

Award membuat kita semangat ngeblog dan terinspirasi

Edwin's Personal Blog said...

Sometimes, inspiration comes real inspired by someone who comes unreal, only in our mind and memory...

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@kang sugeng..hehehe moga itu tanda keberuntungan kang :) amin

@Itik Bali...iya bener sekali :)

@Edwin's...yes that's true brother..tq :)

None said...

kamu juga inspirasiku mas :D..

puisinya indah banget, dengan senyuman aku membacanya :D.

mas Aulawi, aku juga punya tag thu di blog aku, kerjain yah, pake puisi juga ngga papa wekekek

Unknown said...

horee udah dipublish. aduuh, puisinya indah banget. thanks ya, brother. jadi inget lagu Dolly Parton. Kalo gak salah judulnya You are my inspiration.

boleh saya copas? kapan2 mo review blog kamu nih.

richo said...

keep inspiration in u'r mind........ this one guide for our life.........
heheh ngomong apa ne

kurniawan.q said...

mudah mudahan bisa lebih semangatlagi berimajinasi

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Ayas..Tq bro, silakan aj :)

@Inoel..tq n u too hehehehe, oke nanti tak coba kerjain :)

@Fanny..Tq :), dolly parton? hmmm aku cuma inget sama itunya wkwkwkwkw, btw silakan sist apalagi kalau kamu yg review sgguh buatku tersanjung :)

@Richo..oke2 brother :)

@Jihad...asal jgn imajinasi jorok ya bro :)

nuansa pena said...

Selamat atas awardnya, wao.... puisinya! Keren! said...

salam friend
congratulation for AWARD,,mas AULAWI..
thank you
that give me too the inspiration.

Hennyyarica said...

selamat atas awardnya...

Al-Mauki said...

angkat dua jempol.

Clara said...

uhhh..puisinya manis euy....
ur my inspiration...hmm, sapa yak inpiration ku? hehehhe....

selamat buat awardnya dan...heheh, makasih loh ^^

akan kupajang secepatnya ya ^^

Kika said...

What a beautiful.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Nuansa pena...bisa aj ente tq ya he222
@Nura...sama2 mbak :)
@Henny...tq sist :)
@Al-mauki...tq bro :)
@Clara...pasti orang korea itu hehehehe, btw tq too :)
@Kika...lama tak sua, tq ya :)

exort said...

kenangan yg indah ya

selamat ya atas awardnya

buwel said...

Selamat awardnya Bro.... Dan poemnya Aku suka, awalannya...

a-chen said...

Eh, Mas Kakaknya Mbak Fanny Ya...

Dream Competition said...

wow... what a nice poem!selamat ya bro Awardnya.

Anonymous said...

This is completely mesmerizing . . .

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Exort...bisa dikatakan indah walau pahit :)
@Buwel..tq :)
@Achen..iya tapi lain ibu sama bapak hehehehe
@Aisha..tq Sist :) tq darling :)

arif said...

keren, isinya puisi dlm bhs inggris semua :D

dewi said...

congrats 4 sweet award nya. hope it will give u spirit to create many idea...

Rosi Atmaja said...

it's an honor for me to get this award from you. from the bottom of my heart thank you, brother.

richo said...

semoga ispirasinya belum hilang yah...... go a head mantapsss

Unknown said...

wah, kakak apa adik? hi hi hi ..kayaknya kamu adikku deh.

btw, inget tuing2nya dolly parton? ya, memang gede pisan euy. dasar nih anak! he hehe

Yolizz said...

waahhh.. keren puisinya,, aiihh... senengnya mbak fanny yang dikasih puisi ^^

a-chen said...

wah, lain ibu lain bapak, kok bisa.. :-)

buwel said...


Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Arif..panjang ceritanya Mas n bukannya mau sok nginggris :)
@Dewi...Tq Dewi :)
@Rosi...u r welcome sist :)
@Richo...yuuuk :)
@Fanny...aku mau jdi kakak aj, biar bisa nyuruh2's Dolly parton kan yg terkenal itunya hahahahahaha
@Yolizz..tq :)
@Achen...lah bisalah bro, buktinya bisa wkkwkwk, btw u juga kan saudaraku :)
@Buwel...lain kali bawa oleh2 yaaa hahahahaha

the others.... said...

Oh... ini tho puisi yang dibahas di blognya mbak Fanny tadi... Salam kenal ya..

catatan kecilku said...

Mampir kesini setelah baca review dari mbak Fanny.
Ternyata puisi-2nya keren-2 juga...

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@the Others...tq n salam kenal balik :)
@Catatan kecilku...Tq mbak :)

NURA said...

salam friend
puisinya penuh makna ,,
baru tahu puisinya dibahas di mba Fanny.

Elsa said...

meskipun cuma sebuah memori... tapi cintanya indah sekali

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Nura...tq mbak :)
@Elsa...itulah memori El, kadang indah kadang juga pahit :)
