The True Hero

A teacher...
The true hero...
Gave and shared...
With the sincerity...

You taught goodness...
To face the life...
You showed the way...
To gain the dream...

Without you...
We are nothing...
With you...
We become a useful person...

Thank you...
For all of your kindness...
Will not be had been forgotten...
To the end of the life.

#With those poem i wanna said TQ one more time for Nova, that give me award again :)

#Then I dedicated this award for everyone who gave comment in this post :) Happy teacher's national day :)


Cermin said...

afternoon visit, my dear fellow

non inge said...

guru, memang pahlawan tanpa jasa... tanpa mereka banyak hal mungkin tak kita dapatkan seperti sekarang ^^

selamat hari guru

dan selamat juga untuk awardnya ^^

fanny said...

jasanya sungguh tak terlupakan ya para pahlawan ilmu

Meutia Halida Khairani said...

yeah, without teacher, we'll not become a very useful person like now..

exort said...

selamat hari guru

Aisha said...

Owh,hari guru toh,hari ini.Happy teachers day,brother.

fitRi said...

selamat hari guru...semoga benar2 tetap jd pahlawan ..

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Fitri : selamat hari guru :)
@Aisha : happy teachers day too sist :)
@Exort : selamat :)
@Meutia : they are the true hero :)
@Fanny : bener sekali :)
@Inge :tq :)
@CC : tq kawan :)

Multibrand said...

A nice poem for teachers.
Teachers are heroes indeed.

Multibrand said...

I am following your blog on Google Friend Connect (No: 210), please follow back. Thanks.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Multi : oke Mr. Multi, i'll do same... tq b4 :)

noersam said...

hooo..umar bakrie..jasamu tak akan dapat diukur

Elsa said...

kisah mengenaskan kalo di Indonesia yaaa

BABY DIJA said...

pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa, bahasa inggrisnya apa ya Om???
masa Teacher??

baili said...

after parents teacher is a most important person in our life ,may god bless all with nice one ,
take care

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Baili :yes its true :) tq madam :)
@Baby Dija : apa yaa heheh mungkin the undefined hero hahaha
@Elsa : iya, apalagi yg masih status honorer :(
@Noer : tak ada duanya :) said...

salam sobat
wah sampai lupa, selamat hari GURU.
Pahlawan tanpa tanda jasa.
semoga makin sejahtera GURU Indonesia.

Coretan Hidup said...

Selamat Hari Guru. Semoga dengan hari guru ini, maka semangat kita untuk terus belajar semakin meningkat

Edwin's Blog said...

guru pantas mendapatkannya. di saat para anak didiknya sudah jadi 'orang', para guru tetap setia mendidik di ruang kelasnya..

Edwin's Blog said...

mas aulawi, kok alexanya merosot?

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Edwins : yah itu yg aku heran mas, dari 200 an skrg jadi segitu, entahlah kayaknya alexa lagi benci ama ane hehe

Zulfadhli's Family said...

Wah, lupa gw sama hari guru! hehehe, padahal Om gw guru SMA :-)
