I found the rainbow

I found the rainbow...
In time at the dusk came...
The rainbow of one colour...
That made me be stunned...

Beautiful colour...
Lighted at the dusk...
Gave new hope...
About the love...

The love that for a long time has been lost...
By the wish that was not realised...

Oh the rainbow...
Permit me to add the new colour...
Two colours that become one...
That will decorate the world...

Two colors of one love...
That complemented each other...
To the end of later.


Clara Canceriana said...

pelangi selalu indah untuk dinimati ^___^;

Unknown said...

eheem..ehem.jadi apa aja tuh warnanya kalo cuma 2 warna? biru berpadu merah atau hijau berpadu kuning?

non inge said...

Sebuah keindahan yang dapat menjadikan sebuah puisi begitu indah ^^

Isti said...

i love rainbow..pelangi emang indah..

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Isti : tiada duanya :)
@Inge : hmmm tq :)
@Fanny : mmmmm kayaknya ijo ama kuning deh hehehe
@Clara : apalagi sama kekasih hehe

Unknown said...

SO beautiful and so true. For love to be felt...it must be shared. Seeing a rainbow as a sign of two loves joining to become one is a very romantic analogy~

Shudai Ajlani said...

manteep sob :)
pelangi emang indah

exort said...

pelangi engkau pelangi...
luluskan pintaku ini...

*nyanyi lagunya koes plus*

nuranuraniku.blogspot.com said...

salam sobat
pelangi indah sekali
jadi ingat lagu anak-anak "pelangi"

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Nura : pelangi emang indah :)
@Exort : hehehe
@Four : iya :)
@Dorothy : ya u are truly right Mrs. D, that is the point of my poem :)

Zulfadhli's Family said...

Jadi, kapan neh rainbownya dilukiskan langsung ke dalam sebuah kertas berjudul 'undangan'?? Hehehe, asyikkk asyiiikkk Zahia mo punya Tente baru :-)

Unknown said...

oo ijo sama kuning ya..jadi coklat dong. btw, setuju dg koment mbak Susan, kapan rainbow nya nih? hahhaa

buwel said...

campur aduk nan indah...

Ninda Rahadi said...

adaa pelangiii di bola matamuu *nyanyi2

baili said...

wow really beautiful ,and touching too ,some time less color are more prettier and bright .it is all about the way we look at .great one

take care

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Baili : tq madam :)
@Nda : yuk nyanyi bareng :)
@Buwel : koyok pecel yo hehehe
@Fan : ijo kuning tetep warnanya tapi hatinya satu hehehehe
@Soesan : may mungkin hehehe
