The longing that had not ended

I miss you...
Yearn for everything about you...
The distance separated us...

So let me...
Wreak the longing...
Through your dream tonight...

Don't let the other dream annoying...
Until the morning arrived...

And I will meet U again...
With the longing that had not ended...
Not only in the dream.


gayuh blog said...

thanks for sharing The longing that had not ended... i like it

non inge said...

setiap malam, aku selalu memesan mimpi untuk tetap bertemu dengannya ^^

Seiri Hanako said...

like like like


bintangair said...

u miss me?

oh no, i can't believe it

*dengan ekspresi tak percaya, mata melotot, mulut melongo, kedua tangan menutup wajah*


fitRi said...

miss him too..hahaha said...

salam sobat
selalu rindu memang,
kalau jarak jauh memisahkan mas.
tapi bisa sms atau telp dengan Hp kan?
kalau TKW kasihan,, Hp ditahan majikannya.

Unknown said...

wha...gak berakhir rindunya biasaaa....

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Fanny : inginya begitu hehehe
@Nura : rasanya beda mbak hehe, btw soal tkw itu semua terjadi krn kurang perhatian dr pemerintah kita mbak, seharusnya ada SOP yg tegas antara Hak, tugas dan kewajiban seorang tkw dengan majikannya :)
@Fitri : tq hehehe
@Bintang : yes, so wake up now hehehe
@Seiri : me too :)
@Inge : mimpi satu malam hihihi
@Gayuh : tq :)

gayuh blog said...

I'm homesick for someone ... I asked for permission to copy these words to me send it to someone ... thanks

Ninneta - MissPlum said...

Do you know why missing you is torturing me?
Because when I close my eyes, all I can see is your face, running around my head, make the world stop for a while, and nothing seems matter anymore.
But when i open my eyes, all i can see is your absence.


baili said...

dreams are such wonderful gift ,they make us believe in facts which may be exist but will never be reveal by us ,
beautiful poem

god bless

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Baili : yes u right n tq :)
@Ninneta : hmmm i like ur words, tq :)
@Gayuh : be pleasure bro :)

Adi Yulianto said...

wuaaaa... cool..:)

exort said...

emang susah ya kl punya LDR, kl kangen susah ketemu

Zulfadhli's Family said...

Bang, jangan ketemu di mimpi mulu atuh. Kapan KopDarannya?? :-)

catatan kecilku said...

Kalau hanya menuntaskan rindu lewat mimpi sih... kurang sip lah... hehehe

the others said...

Bagaimana ya caranya agar rasa rindu itu dapat tuntas tas tas tassss....???

Nova Miladyarti said...

mas mas...lagi lagi dapat award ya untuk blog ini:D

dulu kan blog saya yg ultah, kalau ini saya yang ulang tahun,hehhhee....

*semoga gak mual2,pusing, n muntah2 terima award mulu dari saya:P

Ninda Rahadi said...

tapi dipikir2 bagus juga jauhan ngurangin dosa hehe

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Nda : ciee bales kayaknya nih hehehe
@Nova :Tq ya :)
@The others : dia akan tuntas jika cinta sdh gak ada mbak hehehe
@CK : kan utk sementara mbak :)
@Soesan : hahaha yg diajak kopdar gak ada gimana nih hihihi
@Exort : wah peglmn pribadi ye bro :)
@Adi : tq :)

Unknown said...

bawain pisang molen

fb said...

KAlau jauh dirindu, kalo deket dicuekin :D

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@FB : mknya rindu jgn pernah berakhir :)
#Fanny : wah gak nendang gak ada jus tomatnya hehehe

Hatta Syamsuddin said...

rindu memang selalu indah
tapi syarat dan ketentuan berlaku
pada saat yg tepat
pada orang yg tepat

the diary said...

hehehe.. u miss me? jd tersanjung nih... hehehe..

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Lyla : tau aja hehehe
@Hatta : wah rindu bersyarat ya pak :)

BABY DIJA said...

masa sih other dream bisa annoying dream kita?
emang kalo malem mimpi nya berapa sih Om??

Elsa said...

kami berkunjung..........
setelah sekian lama

maaf yaaa

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Dija : bisa aja mimpi tau2 berubah hehehe
@Elsa : it's oke :)
