Was said by me greetings...
However did not yet have the answer...
Although my hands were wounded...
Although millions of second were waiting...
Will continue I knocked on your door...
Until being open for me...
The door was so beautiful...
Could not I turned...
Although not from gold...
Or was adorned with the jewel...
I will not move to the other door...
Before having the assurance...
Before you answered...
Yes or not.

yes, this is the answer. come in please.
oh tq very much...he2
nice poem bro...my door is always opened for your friendship :) n let me follow your way then...keep happy as always :)
ada apakah dibalik pintu...
nite i'm come here and open the door
@Zahra...hmm finally, tq 4 ur friendship "door" :) i really appreciated that :)
#Exort..dibalik pintu itu ada masa depanku he2222
@Elistadyon..Tq at the same time..mm i asked to drink please wkwkwkwk
This is very powerful writing. I love it.
a fascinating concept and execution.
@Tom...Tq Bro
@B.Held...wau really seriously comment :)
salam friend,,
yes Im waiting,,until being open the door for you.
nyambung ngga siih,,,
@Nura..salam balik :) wait for me ya, i'll knock ur door he2
pintu hati, hiihii...
pintu hati sudha terbuka, pintu kessempatan yg belum ^ ^
@Chi...tau aja hehehe
Di balik pintu ada padang bunga dandelion yang luas, kemudian angin membawamu pada seorang gadis yang menunggu seorang teman. Gadis itu adalah... SAYA, wkwkwkwk...!!! XD
Nice poem...!!! :D
nice poem bro.. just knock the door, i'll open it for you and for all my friend..
@Rien...hmmm tq dah mau menunggu diriku di padang bunga dandelion yg luas, awas kalau itu bukan kamu ya hehehehehe
@Liza..Tq Sist n Tq opened the door for me n all our friend :)
tenang2 gadis itu pasti Karin... :)
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