Often happened in the life...
Accepted the failure...
Not something that was easy...
Because of the reality...
Occasionally bitter...
So as...
The prayer...
The hard work...
Felt no use...
Only convictions...
That made us remain...
To always struggle...
Gained the wish...
And brought about the goal...
The conviction...
Towards our capacity...
To always think positive...
Against anything that happened...
Spoke more was easy than acted...
Be up to personal respectively...
Or not.

You will never know what success truly means when you never drop down to a failure....
@ninneta...yes that's true Sist :)
sukses mas
bayangan saya waktu baca judulnya adalah failure notice, peringatan kegagalan. wkwkwkw...
waduh... gak ngerti bahasa inggris, dari pada buka kamus kelamaan, mendung langsung coment. hehe
@Rara...Tq sama2 sukses selalu :)
@Chi...noticenya jgn failure aja ya wkwkwkwkwk
#INGBLK...Tq commentnya ya hehehehehe
if we never fail, we may not know how great we struggle for being successed :)
@Zahra...yes u right Sist, tq ya :)
salam friend,,
nice post
reality,,,the faitur was the normal matter...often happened in the life.
Wahhh ga bisa aku kalau bahasa inggris gini... Nyerah.
By just rising from a failure we have already succeeded
life is a rollercoster, so when we fall down just try again, nice poem brother
Kesuksesan dimulai dari kegagalan. Jadi, semakin kita terus gagal maka semakin dekat kita menuju pintu kesuksesan.
@Tunsie..Tq Bro :)
@Rosi...Tq Sist :)
@Anggie...setuju bro, sukses buat kita semua ya :)
@Nura...Tq Sist :)
@Kika..hmmmm :)
nyepam lagi ^ ^
yup, jangan menyerah meskipun gagal.
@Fanny...Siiip :)
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