Paint the air

Really Miss U...
My Blog De Javu...
Not only the past...
Now or later...

This is just about yearn...
To write n share
My Expression of heart...
Like paint the air...
With heart and hand.


Arif Chasan said...

just like lazarus. we come back from the dead :D

Arif Chasan said...

halo mas aulawi :D

Husnul Khotimah said...

Nah Nah Nah.. muncul dia... Cabetinaaa... Mas Aulawii... Mau pecahin rekor Posting setahun sekali ya :D. Gimana kabarnyaaa.. ^^

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Arif : alhamdulillah baik bro
@Inoel : wkwkwkwkwk wes lama gak update...baiiik alhamdulillah

Ninda said...

welcome back mas
posting lagi gih...

Arif Chasan said...

update please :D

Himawan Sant said...

Ayoook tuntaskan dejavu~mu ...
Aktif menulis lagi 😉

Nulis gini sekaligus juga buat menyemangati diriku 😁

tatang supriadi said...

hallo mas aulawi salam kenal ya saya blogger baru heheh

Arif Chasan said...

masih belum update :(

Unknown said...

