Goodbye Bro

Goodbye bro...
No more yelling your name...
Or caressing your body...
At the day n night...

You go the way of all flesh...
Just left your name on the grave...
With a bad conscience...
In the deepest of heart...

Forgive me...
I am not take care of you enough...

To cry over spilt milk...
Remind us...
About the meaning of time...

Thank you bro...
For the beautiful memories...
That has colored our life...
Love U...always.

billy is bro
In memorial Billy Bro (2009-2016)


baili said...

hope all is going fine in your world ,this poem is so touching brought tears in my eyes ,take good care have blessed nice days ahead

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Baili : Thanks Mrs Baili, Best wishes for you always.

edwprazz said...

So sad to hear that. Bro must have been your very closest friend ever :(
I used to have cats and was always sad so much each time I saw them die.

Halo mas Aulawi.. masih ingatkah dengan saya? Teman blogger lama nih. Wah mas Aulawi masih aktif blogging hingga sekarang (y) (y)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Edwin hi mas thanks atas perhatiannya. Ya tentu ane inget sama sampeyan hehe, kalau dibilang active gak juga mas, sudah jarang tapi tetep berusaha update ini blog meskipun sebulan bahkan lebih baru bisa posting hehe

novi rahantan said...

menyentuh sekali... bro pasti udah baik-baik di sana, mas

Anonymous said...

this is good

Arif Chasan said...

halo bro, apa kabar? :D

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@hi rif, alhamdulillah baek :D
@novi : tq sist :)


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