Rain began to descend again...
Gave the natural freshness...
For each occupant of the earth...
That gave the motivation...
In the month that was full of the struggle...
And waiting...
The struggle to...
Change fate...
So that better...
Faced the future...
Long waiting...
Towards the wish...
That was postponed...
And was not yet realised...
It is hoped...
The wish became real...
Appropriate that was hoped for...
Not merely the illusion...
That only became the dream.

mengomentari 5 bait terakhir, memang beda antara ilusi dan mimpi, seperti angan-angan dan harapan. yg satu ga jelas, yg lainnya bisa jadi jelas.
saya suka novembernya :P
november yang indah bersama hujannya
biar hujan tapi maju terus ya. menghadapi semua tantangan termasuk banjir. hehheee..
@ Chi...setuju banget n Tq :)
@ Rara..Wa'alaikum sallam, moga nov ini indah bagi kita semua amin...:)
@Fanny...bener banget, hujan dan banjir bukanlah halangan berarti he22
malam...mampir bentar
Malam juga...Tq dah mampir lagi he2
mampir lagi hehehehee
sering2 posting dunk biar rame yg datang
Awww... yes I also hope my wishes will came true and not just be dreams. I hope your wishes come true too =]
@Chi...ok, ok, ok he2
@Chuchu...Tq Sist, best wishes 4 u too :) amen...
hello you said right change is must to deliver the freshness to earth's face in the binging it seems cruelty of nature but latter we get that every thing happens for best .thanks for dropping by we are fine now .
salam sobat
long waiting,,siapa yang ditunggu lama nich,,?
siip banget puisi in Novembernya.
@Baili..Ur welcome n always the best wishes 4 ur family :)
@Nura..Salam balik n Tq :), yg ditunggu banyak nih, mudah2an terwujud minimal satu persatu melalui bulan Nov ini :)
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