I live in the beautiful country…
Despite no winter or autumn…
There are many cultures…
Beliefs and languages …
From Sabang to Merauke…
That make more colorful…
The sky of Indonesia…
Even if many disaster…
Injustice, poverty and unemployment…
I always love Indonesia…
That is how the land lies….
Although I am only the man in the street…
I always proud with my homeland…
At least as a blogger…
I share a story…
I pray for happiness n glory…
The one n only…
The beloved country.
# Synopsis : bicara soal rasa nasionalisme bukan hanya tentang salah dan benar, tapi juga apa yang telah kita berikan untuk tanah air tercinta :)
# idioms :
that is how the land lies = begitulah adanya
the man in the street = orang biasa/rakyat biasa
There will always be a big hope to rebuild our country better, Insha Allah :D
@Anne : sudah lama klu merdeka hehehehe
@diniehz : yes, insya Allah :D
we live at same country :D
right or wrong, this is my country. isn't it?
apa kabar?
Kunjungan perdana sobat.
salam kenal
ikutan nyimak saja salam merdeka..
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Indonesia Merdeka!!!!!
They say that right or wrong Indonesia will always be our country.
@ H. Nizam : That is call a " consequence" hehe
@OK : ini bukan tentang kemerdekaan, tapi nasionalisme :)
@Petro : tq very much, I will post it as soon as possible :)
@Cik : salam balik kalau gitu :)
@Yadi : salam kenal balik
@Ms : tq :)
@Popi : maybe ;)
@Anyin : yes of course :)
dan, selalu mjd negara homey, yang ngangenin apa pun alasannya~
there's always hope..
let's built this country to be better :)
Mencoba memahami sahabat.
Maklum bahasa inggrisnya saya kerepotan nih...
happy earth day, brother
keep green our country yah ;P
woooo headernyaaaa kenapa kenapa kenapa so unyuuuu... baru nikah tha mas? ihik ihik...
Mungkin benar dan salah dalam bernegara tergantung dalam penilaian siapanya ya, Pangeran Diponegoro kita anggap Pahlawan, tapi Orang Belanda saat itu menilai dia adalah Pemberontak... hehehe
I like "there are many cultures beliefs and languages from sabang to merouke that make more colorful the sky of Indonesia.
pertanyaan yg sama dengan yg dilontarkan annesya hahaha :D
maak ninda: iya kali ya mak, mas aulawi baru nikah kali ya maak. ihik ihik (gosip maker beraksi)*kabur
one of beautifull country in the world
@TPC : yes, the most beautiful for me hehe
@Anne :kalau nikah belum, nungguin kamu yang kabur sebelum kulamar wkwkwkwkw
@Anyin : hehehehe amiiiiiin
@Nura : tq mbak :)
@Achen : iya betul sekali bro, tgtg apa yg dirasakan :D, tapi bagi kita sudah konsekuensi tuk membela walaupun salah hehehe
@Rosi : happy earth day too hehehe
@Soca : yes I agree with U :D
@keperawatan : tq dah mampir ya :D
@CC : betul sekali :)
haiya apa gunanya main sugesti kalau ga maksa... ihik ihik... :3
wooww . . terharu nih . . that its how the land lies
@anne : sebenernya jgn dipaksa tapi dihayati :P
@Prima : yes it's true :)
sekacau kacaunya Indonesia...
kalo udah tinggal minimal seminggu aja di negara lain, pasti kangeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen pol sama indonesia deh
@Elsa : itulah hebatnya tanah air kita hehe, btw kalau gak ketemu aku seminggu apa akan kangen pol juga hihihihi
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