About Love

Your charm has been hypnotizing me ...
Until my ship must anchored...
Although still in the middle of the ocean...

However you only fatamorgana...
Who came tempting...
That "bring about" hope...

But love can change everything...
That will become to light...
Make the dream come true...

Such was the love...
Makes us survive...
And not "give way" to despair.

#NB : ( idioms )
- Bring about = membawa/menimbulkan
- Give way = menyerah/mengalah


Unknown said...

yup, jgn menyerah. jadi inget lagu I will survive

Seiri Hanako said...

daku payah bahasa inggris sih...


sekali lagi keren


Elsa said...

hehehe ada terjemahannya juga
jadi nambah kosakata nih

exort said...

fight for ur love lah

Three said...

izin copas yah heehee

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Celotehan : oke :)
@Exort : harus bro, keburu diambil orang hehehe
@Elsa : soalnya pake idiom hehe
@Rez : tq :)
@Seiri : bisa aja ngana :) ak jg sambil belajar nih :)
@Fanny : jgn menyerah dgn pangeranmu hehe

non inge said...

sebuah perjuangan untuk cinta, akankah menemukan kata sia? *loh? ndak nyambung aku yah -_-"*

Meutia Halida Khairani said...

well, jadi teringat my far-away-love. hiks :'(

Clara Canceriana said...

hadeuh, cinta itu memang kuat ya, mengalahkan segalanya XDD

fitRi said...

he eh...keren !! love ..love...love...

Susan Noerina (Zulfadhli's Family) said...

Kekuatan cinta emang menakjubkan. Gw udah ngerasain sendiri. Nah kalo Abang kumaha? Udah merasakannya juga kah? :-)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Soesan : tentu makanya bisa jadi puisi hehehe
@Fitri : ehem yg mau nikah hehe
@Clara : betuul sekali :)
@Meutia : suruh dia segera mendekat :)
@Inge : entahlah hehehe

Muhammad A Vip said...

love love love and love. for a life time

bintangair said...

tetep ga pernah habis di bahas

Multibrand said...

Lovely words
Everything about love is always interesting

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Ayas : baek ak pejabat hehehe selamat ye kelulusanyo :)
@Multi : yes that's right :)
@Bintang : hehehe
@M.Aviv : til the end :)

EDSA's cominfo said...

love is just too complicated...

Syamsul Arif Galib said...

Love is powerful

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Imtikhan : tq kjgnnya :)
@Syamsul : yes it's true :)
@EDSA : No, it's not...only us made/felt like that :)Love is simple, it's only talk about love and loved :)

Ajeng Sari Rahayu said...

Puisimu bagus2, pengen buat puisi seperti yang ada di blogmu ini >.<

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Ajeng : tq, aku juga masih belajar, cobalah pasti kamu bisa lebih baik :)
