Inspire ourselves

If today...
Was not better than yesterday...
Don't "lose heart"..!
There's still tomorrow...

Although we did not know...
What will happen tomorrow...

Keep trying...
And hoped...
Because of that's what make us strong...!


atanotonogoro said...

agree :) always do that for make us spirit to face the future.

non inge said...

yah jgn menyerah...
tetap berusaha, dan berdoa...

amiboyz said...


Elsa said...

ayoooo semangat!!!
have a nice day yaa

Unknown said...

yes, it's true.

Ajeng said...

How if today were our last day?

Inuel said...

iya selalu, apa yang terjadi ? i don't know, bener ngga nulisanya haha

catatan kecilku said...

Ayo.. tetap optimis dan berpikir positif..!

the others... said...

Semangat... semoga hari esok lebih baik dari hari kemarin.

Clara Canceriana said...

yey, aku akan tetap semangat menunggu besok
soalnya jumat, yg berarti udah mau sabtu dan liburrrrrrr XD

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Clara : yang kantoran senengnya hehehehe
@The others : amiin :)
@Catatan kecil :setuju mbak :)
@Nyun :wes yg lagi bingung hehehe
@Ajeng : so keep trying, prayed n hoped until the end :)
@Fanny : oke :)
@Elsa : hv a nice day too :)
@Ami : tq :)
@Inge : let's do it :)
@Ata : oke sist :) said...

salam sobat
benar jangan putus asa mas
ayo tetap semangat.

atanotonogoro said...

but i wanna ask you, something happen? :)

Zulfadhli's Family said...

So that we must do the best in every step that we choose :-)

Anggi Zahriyan said...

Jad inget pesan dari film Kungpu Panda
Yesterday is history
today is now
Tommorow is mystery

CMIIW ya sob :D

imtikhan said...

salam blogger aja

Aulawi Ahmad said...

Imtikhan : salam juga :)
Anggie : CMIIW juga deh :)
Soesan : yes it's true sist :)
Ata : nothing happent special sist, this is just about my work n my activity, u know sometime our target not achievement and not in accordance with the schedule :)

ali said...

makasih mas
swegger tenan...

achen said...

sungguh menginspirasi
membuat semangat

Unknown said...

met sore..bawain yogurt rasa stroberi dg topping kiwi dan lychee

baili said...

i think there is only one thing which keep us moving even in unbearable miseries hope ,the most precious thing,take care,

Awan said...

dan saya tak suka besok...
karena ada yg nagih utang wkwkwk..

boss.. aku ad award2an utk ka..

cekidot ok..

Ninda Rahadi said...

love this mas :)

Never Give Up Dude | Leader Street said...

wah, spiritnya keren nih, membuat sy akan melangkah sebaik mungkin esok hari

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Leader : semangat bro :)
@Anyin : semangat nyin :)
@Awan :wah gawat ikak ni ayo bayar utang hehehe, tq b4 :)
@Baili : yes u rigth madam, tq b4 :)
@Fanny : tq sist :)
@Achen : ayo semangat tuk nikah loooo heheheh
@Buwel : seger maknyuuus :)

anonym said...

nice blog..

salam kenal ya..


Hope everyone can do like what you said bro.Nice wishes.

Edwin's Personal Blog said...

Hope is always out there. never give up and stick up for yourself...

Edwin's Personal Blog said...

Hope is always out there. Never give up and stick up for yourself...

Blog Ekspor Impor said...

Semangat akan menjadi motivasi besar buat diri kita untuk selalu melangkah maju..

kurniawan.q said...

maaf baru bersua lagi sahabat

terimakasih motifasinya

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Kurniawan : sama2 brother :)
@BEI : bener banget mas :)
@Edwins :yes u right :)
@Aisha : yes sist :)
@Anonym : salam kenal balik :)

Batzsurya said...

nice motivation bro..thx

exort said...

usaha dan berdoa

Aulawi Ahmad said...

Batz : sama2 bro :)
Exort : bener bro :)
