That was had by each kind of humankind...
That influenced feeling...
And lifestyle...
Without desire...
The life was not coloured...
Monotonous and boring...
Sugar was felt bitter...
Salt was felt insipid...
Because of the desire...
We will do anything...
To receive satisfaction...
Because of the desire...
Justice became fake...
Had not felt was enough...
With what available...
Because of that...
The desire must be controlled...
If not...
Will lead astray...
And left regret.
#btw tq mas Edwin's 4 this award, i really appreciated that , hope our friendship be always established :)

yes i agree for controlled our desire, it's hard but we must doing that :)
Keinginan adalah sumber penderitaan, :-)
Tapi kata Mas Iwan Fals Lho Mas... :-)
Asal Keinginannya Bisa DiImpikan Saja... heheheh
yah, keinginan yg terlalu berlebihan tidak baik, apalagi kalo itu keinginan yg salah dan merugikan org lain.
hore bisa koment lagi
Selamat atas awardnya ya, semoga awardnya jd bisa kmu berhasrat ngeblog trussss
@Achen..hehehe mungkin bener tuh, soale bang iwan fals yg ngomong :) btw desire disini adalah "nafsu" yang berarti keinginan :)
@Buwel..nafsu atau keinginan yg diimpikan akhirna menjadi "mimpi basah" dong he2222
tidak ada manusia yg tidak punya desire kok, itu salah satu dasar ut hidup. keinginan makan, keinginan minum, keinginan tidur, keinginan poya-poya dan keinginan ke kamar mandi, huhuuh
yup... Keinginan manusia gag ada abis-abisnya. Itu mengapa kita harus pandai2 bersyukur. *sok tau euy*
lho, kok ada mimpi basah segala? kabuur akh, topiknya serem nih.
keinginan adalah harapan jadine haruse bisa bikin semangatttttttttttttt.......
@Fanny...setuju, btw mimpi basah itu nikmat hahahahahahaha
@Exort..Tq bro :)
@Nchi...makanya kita harus bisa mengontrol "nafsu" itu (susah tapi prakteknya heheehehehe)
@Anggi...betul brother :)
@Richo...yup harus semangat :)
waduh, mimpi + desire = mimpi basah yak... :-D
congrats buat awardnya
@Buwel...wah ente kayaknya sering nih mimpi basah hahahahaha
@Elsa...sama2 :)
awesome portrait of desire touching the heart god bless you
iya mas.. it's should be controlled :)
selamat awardnyaa
Desire is a door to success. A glory is begun with a desire. However too much desire will kill you ^_^
Makasih awardnya sudah dipajang Mas Aulawi :-)
@Baili...TQ :)
@Anyin..yes that's true n tq :)
@Edwin's..yes ,so therefore we must controlled that :) n u are welcome brother :)
asyik dan selamat ya yang dapet award
Siang Mas aulawi... :-)
@Soewoeng..tq :)
@A-chen...siang brother :)
selamat ya awardnya... tetep semangat nulis... jangan sampe kehilangan desire... :)
@Achen..tq brother :)
@Ninneta..oke sist tq, hope u too :)
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