Was good at to compose words...
Took the form of the analogy...
And philosofi...
All beautiful and have meaning...
He my friend...
Still was young...
However mature the heart...
Shared sincerely...
Through his expression...
To entertain the heart...
The spirit's illumination...
The hope opener...
For all of us...
It is hoped...
Criticism not the obstacle...
Was not stroked by praise ...
Continued to work...
My friend's, Aephobia.

postingnya inggris semua ya? hehe..
nice poem..like always too...lol..
happy blogging :)
puisi memang hanya rangkaian kata tapi puisi sgt berarti. terutama bagi orang yg suka mengungkapkan rasanya lewat puisi
i like your poet....
i like the way you express the idea...
what my eyes see as sort of deep observation on life by using simple poet...
it's nice to know you and thanks for visiting my blog... :)
berarti juga didedikasikan buat saya? hahahha GR..
seringnya saya malah ngga bisa bedain lagi nulis prosa atau puisi :p
a poet lives a real life through their poems..words remain as magic for them :)
@INGB...ya bro maklumi aj ye bukannya sok nginggris, tapi utk sekalian belajar (ceileee) he222
@Richa...Tq sist, happy blogging too :)
@Fanny...bener fann, seperti dirimu yg penuh inspirasi :)
@V any...Tq n nice to know u too :)
@Anin...iya dong, ini buat semua sahabatlah walau cuma lewat tulisan he222
@Zahra...yes of course, magic with words :)
ewod ewod.... ewod ewoooddd....
he is my friend, a younger and handsome, eitss.. napa pake handsome yak :P
intinya selamat atas ewodnya :P
i love monday!! yay
Puisi kadang bisa jadi ungkapan jiwa yang tak terbantahkan
karena sebenarnya dalam puisi selalu tersimpan kejujuran hati
hello a wonderful expression in great way,i liked it lot,thanks for you kind words about my post take great care god bless you
@chi...waduh makasih pujiannya wkwkwk, sebenernya ini kata yg empu harus dibagi2....tapikan gak enak klu harus dipotong2 dinikmati bersama2 aje ye he2
@HMYK...i love monday too he2222
@Itik bali...bener sist, kejujuran adalah cerminan puisi :)
@Baili...Tq Sist n God bless 4 u too :)
Good verses.
Wow, I would like to meet your poet. We would have a chat for to grasp our luck to meet with each other and we both would thank you for this poem then.
Tq...send me email to cabetina@yahoo.com, n i really appreciated for that :)
beberapa hari ini liza juga sedang demam untuk nulis puisi.. hehhehe ada kepuasan tersendiri rasanya
betul, nama dokternya dokter Boyke. hahahha
cuma mau mampir :p
@Liza...hmmm kan kulihat nanti seneng bisa berbagi lewat puisi ya :)
@Fanny...pantees kok mbahas cacing wkwkwkw
@Chi...makasih dah mampir, besok2 bawain salak bali ya biar ada yg dimakan nih hehehehe
nice poem. salam budaya.
hmmm...kdg masih heran ma orang2 yg jago bikin puisi dapet kata2 yg bs menyentuh kalbu...2 thumbs 4 aulawi
@Ivan...TQ bro, salam budaya :)
@Wuri...waduh jadi melambung tinggi nih, eits pegangan dulu he222, btw Tq n 4 thums for u too :)
Simple yet full of meaning.. keep it up!
Tq bro n u too :)
@wah blogku dikunjungi penyair hebat :) tq mas aku kan silaturahmi ketempat2 tadi, sekali lagi makasih, n sukses selalu buat sampeyan :)
Entah harus berkata apa diriku padamu sahabatku?
Beneran terharu...
Bangga rasanya bisa mengenal dan menjalin tali silaturahim denganmu
trims ya sahabatku...^_^
sangat berarti sekali
Sama2 bro..moga bisa jadi sahabat baik ok :)
numpang lewat...
kulonuwuuuuuuun, assalamualaikuuum
wa'alaikum sallam :) diborong euy he222
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