Memory the end of year

You not the only one...
That had filled my heart...
What had been passed through by us...
Leave one thousand meanings...
That will not be lost...
By time...

That was most beautiful in my life...
Made me understand the meaning of togetherness...
Understood the meaning appreciated...
And resisted...

From you...
I knew the meaning loved...
Sacrificed the feeling...
Sacrificed time...
Only to share...

With you...
I knew how important...
Understood each other...
And in a relations...

I realised all that...
After we were apart...

After you could not...
Bore the feeling was pressed...

Until the love expanded...
Changed hated...
And frightened was repeated...

Sorry and regret...
Not useful...
Despite only as the friend....
Till at this time...

Happy new year...
For thee...
My beautiful memory...
It is hoped the happiness...
Always with you.


Unknown said...

happy new year, Ahmad. merinding deh baca puisimu yg ini. jadi melankolis nih perasaanku. he hehe....

Clara Canceriana said...

selamat tahun baru juga
ehhh, masih beberapa jam lagi sih jiahahaha...sukses selalu ^^

kurniawan.q said...

make tomorrow better than today and today better than yesterday

nuansa pena said...

Selamat meninggalkan tahun 2009, sampai jumpa di tahun 2010!

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Fanny...jujur akupun begitu he222,gak tau kalau mengenang seseorang ini selalu begitu :)

@Clara...Sama2, diucapin skrg gpp :) met taon baru juga ya n sukses 4 ur future :)

@Jihad...yes bro, succes 4 u too :)

@nuansa pena..sama2 bro :)

Hennyyarica said...

cukup buat dikenang wae y kak..
tahun baru..saatnya cari yang baru.hehehe

happy new year!

Aulawi Ahmad said...

Ya betul, cuma untuk dikenang hehehehe..semoga saja segera mendapat yang baru :) happy new year too :)

Ninda Rahadi said...

most beautiful in ur life??

huhuhuhu so suit maaass..

Yolizz said...

huhuhu.. baca ini bikin mellow,, so sweet banget...

happy new year yaahh,, semangat!! :D

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@anyin...yah that's just memory in my life, now i must open new sheet :)Happy new year! :)

@Yolizz...Tq n met taon baru ya :)

Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra said...

Semoga Allah SWT memberkahi kita semua dan memudahkan segala urusan kita. Tahun 2009 sudah meninggalkan kita dan tahun 2010 kita awali dengan niat dan doa serta berharap kehidupan kita kian lebih baik lagi. Amin...

Aulawi Ahmad said...

Amin...Tq mas :)

Lambang 212° said...

Selamat Tahun Baru mas.
Tetap semangat!

Kenalan ya..

None said...

ahhhhhhhh beginilah cinta, deritanya tak pernah berakhir.. patkai says.hahahaha...

diam aja, aku tak nyari lagi, wikikikikik..

selamat tahun baru Boss :D said...

salam sobat
jadikan tahun yg lalu memori yg indah,dan buat instropeksi diri.
selamat tahun baru 2010.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@L.Emha...ya sama2 n Tq :)

@Inoel...hehehe penggemar patkai yo....met taon baru juga moga gak maybe n confused lagi hihihihi:)

@Nura...ya mbak, makasih n met taon baru :)

secangkir teh dan sekerat roti said...

met taon baruan....! :)

baili said...

hello happy new year,like every thing else we cannot expect same from love its not about give and take its always about giving and giving and this the only thing in whole universe that cannot be gain forcefully or by asking so you are right even after being apart we should have keep praying for them,have a great life god blessyou

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@ST&SR...sama2 met taon baru juga :)

@Baili...Tq for ur advice i really appreciated that :) GBU 4 u too :)

Unknown said...

komentku tadi berhasil gak ya?

exort said...

yang dulu cukup diingat jangan dikenang n songsong yg baru
happy new year 2010

abeng beng /arjopedal said...

happy new year

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Fanny..yg mana fan? soale aku gak pake moderasi :)

@Exort..cuma untuk dikenang bro, tq n happy new year too

@Abeng..sama2 :)

andrie callista said...

Selamat tahun baru 2010, salam kenall.. :)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

sama2 n salam kenal balik :)

Karl Lopez said...

hi! why is it that the last line is "resisted", just want to catch a glimpse of your poetic thoughts...

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Karl...tq for ur atention Sist, btw that was meant by me "resisted" that was to remain or be patient :)

mocca_chi said...

heppy new year, for my dearest swethearts. hehee *numpang nitip pesen ya bang*

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@nChi...boleh, tak sampaikan skrg...(trrrrtttt)..nah udah, katanya salam balik, dah gak kangen katanya wkwkkwwkwkwk


dosennya yah gitu2 deh... Salam kenal yah......

Aulawi Ahmad said...

sama2.. senang bisa berteman dgnmu :)

Elsa said...

siapa ya si 'thee' alias 'you' ini.... romantis banget sih.
gimana rasanya being the the most beautiful in someone's life.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

hmmm dia hanya kenangan El :)...aku sendiri gak tau rasanya jd org terpenting didalam hidup seseorang, dah lupa soalnya hihihihi
