
i am red...
You green...
i am yellow...
You gray...

Anyone had the special colour...
But the foundation same...
All could become white...
Could be also black...
Depended that mixed...
Moreover now the sophisticated time...
All could be modified...

All had the meaning...
And different...

The difference of the colour...
That not a problem ...
That was the gift...
Because we were given by the mind and thoughts...
And the right to choose...

The difference...
That made this life dynamic...
Made us...
Always want to better...
And studied...
For appreciated each other.


Zahra Lathifa said...

let's coloring our life then...:)

NURA said...

salam friend
I like all colour,,but any always black colour, if me with a dress.

exort said...

there are a lot of colour in this world...
accept it...
do not tease...

Rosi Atmaja said...

life is so colourfull, right? we don't have have to change it or mix it. Let it be ...

Unknown said...

and i feeling blue now.

mocca_chi said...

intinya semua berasal dari satu warna, putih. itu saja kan bang ^ ^

a-chen said...

meneruskan nchi, :-) dan akan menjadi warna warni tergantung warna apa yang dipilih tuk mewarnainya... :-)

None said...

warna biru muda thu apa yah artinya, ngga pake dicampur-campur :D,
itulah hidupku, yang jelas ceria mungkin, hakhakhak, sok tau :P

fan said...

justru pelangi itu indah warnanya karena campuran dari berbagai warna. perbedaan itu indah krn gak membosankan.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Zahra...oke united be harmony :)

@Nura..Black is elegant :)

@Exort...yes that a reality bro :)

@Rosi...Necessarily like that, but humankind had not been satisfied with what was owned :)

@Fauzan...wah itu tanda harus intropeksi diri :)

@Chi...ya asalnya memang putih, tapi karena polusi jadi berubah deh :)

@A-chen..itulah yg aku sebut sophisticated time (jaman canggih) semua bisa dimodifikasi :)

@Inoel..artinya masih muda dan suka confused hahahahaha

@Fanny...bener, makanya disitu aku sebut "That was the gift" (perbedaan itu anugerah) :)

Ayoe Ritma said...

i feel green now...
it's my favorite colour..

Unknown said...

Colouring Life is Beautiful mbak..hmm
puisinya selalu oke banget

Agar hidup lebih bermakna said...

all the color is good, nice post

Ninda Rahadi said...

yellow.. kayak blogku.. kayak lagunya coldplay yg aku suka..

yes, its dinamic *sok inggris padahal gabisa hehe*

pandora said...

let's colouring our life!! hihihi

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Ritma...hmmm green is symbolize og peace :)

@Itik Bali...Ayu aku ini lelaki wkwkwkwkw, apa namaku kayak ce ya hihihi...btw Tq n our life is always beuatiful coz of colours :)

@AHLB...yes of course n tq :)

@Anyin...ya dinamis seperti dirimu juga tentunya :)

@Pandora..ayoooooo :)

Anggi Zahriyan said...

Dengan adanya perbedaan kita akan saling melengkapi. bukan begitu mas? :D

Edwin's Personal Blog said...

All colours converge to WHITE. hihihi seperti sabun saja ^_^

Met beraktivitas Mas Ahmad. Sukses selalu :-)

Agung Aritanto said...

i like red this is cool color

julie said...

good composition of colors depend on us

terjaga said...

aku punya biru,,
punya ijo juga,
juga merah..
oh aku baru saja jadi pelangi..

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Anggi..betul brother :)

@Edwin's...hmm philosofi sabun asyik juga tuh mas he222, slmt beraktifitas too n sukses selalu too :)

@Agung...wau red is symbolized brave :)

@Julie...yes but depended the other person also that considered :)

@Terjaga...warna-warni sekali hidupmu,dinamis :) tidak hanya hitam dan putih doang :)

Unknown said...

warnaku apa ya? pink? blue? yellow? or what? can u tell me?

Aulawi Ahmad said...

kamu merah strawbery he2222

Kabar Kampus said...


miwwa said...

enakan colourful, hidup kan ga monoton. hehe..

vany said...

i hope your life fulfill with bright colour, mas....
so do I... :)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Kabar kampus...tambahi yg mix he22
@Mira...betul seharusnya emang gitu :)

@Vany...Tq i hope so :)

Unknown said...

merah stroberi. hmm...kerenjuga

Aulawi Ahmad said...

pasti dong he222, penuh semangat dan keceriaan begitulah arti merah strawbery :)

Elsa said...

i am Yellow!!!


Aulawi Ahmad said...

hmm cocok dong ama aku artinya hihihihi
