Five people gathered...
In a room...
Formed the circle...
There was something that was spent...

Contained powder...
It was similar that tobacco...
Taken a pinch...
Then was sucked...
Took turns...
In accordance with the place...
It was not yet finished one...
Someone stood...
With staggered step...
Laughed personally...
He was drunk because of
Tried to take a step...
However the earth feel like wobbled...
Confused and frightened...
With what was felt...
Such was "Fulan" fate...
Resulting from the influence of the society...
Started from trying...
Till finally addiction...
Spent up all of the money the consignment...
Only to fill the wish...
Every day...
Sit in the corner of his room...
Accompanied a cup of thick tea...
While sucking marijuana...
His life was felt by peace...
Not there is sad...
Only had laughter...
But now...
lan" lay strecthed out weakly...
Was spread out was not powerful...
His body thin remained at bones...
Only could...
Groaned was hurt...
All was finished...
Regret has been was not useful...
The enjoyment for a moment that previously was felt...
Leave the long suffering...
That did not find it easy to be end.
Then was sucked...
Took turns...
In accordance with the place...
It was not yet finished one...
Someone stood...
With staggered step...
Laughed personally...
He was drunk because of

Tried to take a step...
However the earth feel like wobbled...
Confused and frightened...
With what was felt...
Such was "Fulan" fate...
Resulting from the influence of the society...
Started from trying...
Till finally addiction...
Spent up all of the money the consignment...
Only to fill the wish...
Every day...
Sit in the corner of his room...

While sucking marijuana...
His life was felt by peace...
Not there is sad...
Only had laughter...
But now...

Was spread out was not powerful...
His body thin remained at bones...
Only could...
Groaned was hurt...
All was finished...
Regret has been was not useful...
The enjoyment for a moment that previously was felt...
Leave the long suffering...
That did not find it easy to be end.

ga nangkep aku maksudnya apa >.<
apa itu fulannn huhuu...
nasihat yg dikemas dlm puisi unik. nice
let us not be tempted by drugs
penyesalan memang datang setelah semua terjadi, insyaallah aku akan menjauhi semua itu :), racun dunia hehehhe
@Chi..fulan itu nama orang cuman pake permisalan he222
@Fanny..Tq Fan, sebagian ini dari pglamn pribadi :)
@JHAD..yes..let's say no drugs!!!
@Inoel...bener, jgn pernah coba2 :)
say no to drugs!
Yes don't try this at home he222
but I'm addicted to ur blog mas.. ahahahaha (NGRAYUUU)
just say not to drug
@anyin..isok ae rek wkwkwkwk
@Exort..yes brother :)
wow, pengalaman pribadi..terimasuk yg merokok itu?
met tahun baru juga deh.
begitulah, tapi gak sampe ketagihan n not again, biasalah diawali nyoba2 n pengaruh pergaulan, makanya kutulis ini untuk berbagi agar tidak mencoba2 hal ini :) met taon baru lagi juga deh :)
met wiken. syukurlah kalo udah gak merokok lagi. selain merusak paru2 juga menghabiskan uang ya. hehehe.
hihihi kalau merokok biasa masih Fan, susah kalau itu :) btw tq ya n met wiken juga :)
don't u ever ever try....
yes u right Dewi, tq :)
seperti gaya khas pak sutad kalo bercerita.
Fulan lelaki ya? kalo perempuannya siapa?? MULAN????
hahahaha...ane niru ustad sanusi tuh..fulan bisa co atau ce tergantung yg cerita :)
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