It was the shape from the sincerity...
That made us willing...
Did anything...
Although must lose...
Like humankind...
Obeyed the order...
Avoided the ban...
From the Lord...
The Mighty of Power...
Like the mother...
That bore with fully the struggle...
Take care of with the affection ...
Educational to the goodness way...
Only for the dearest sweetheart...
Like the father...
Work hard...
Sought a living...
Only for the family's happiness...
All that...
Not merely the obligation...
That could not be judged...
With material...
And praise...
So the real sacrifice.

selamat idul adha...
semoga kita bisa memaknai semangat THE SACRIFICE seikhlas Ibrahim dan ISmail
Setiap orang pasti berkorban
Setiap orang harus berkorban
Tapi terkadang hasilnya tidak sepadan dengan pengorbanan itu...dan itulah suatu pengorbanan
Powerful words from a wordsmith in poetry
@A.J. Johnson..Tq madam :)
@Exort...bener banget bro :)
@Fanny...Tq ya :)
This is lovely. :-)
great poem as usual
mampir lagi. abis makan siang.
ga suka berkorban,hiksss
@Tunsie...hmmm tq again bro he2
@Lilu...mmm Tq sist :)
@Chi...wau asal jgn jadi korban aj ye wkwkwkwkk
@Fanny...enak'e rek makan siang :)
sacrifice more..ask less..sacrifice makes our life worth :)
banyak-banyak berkorban, tapi jangan sampai dikorbankan!
salam sobat
the Sacrifice,,,
ok banget,,
selamat Idhul Adha 1430 H,
semoga sukses selalu..
@INGB...bener bro jgn sampai jadi korban ye he2
@Zahra...that's true Sist :)
@Tq Mbak Nur, selamat idul adha juga ya n sukses selalu...:)
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