Stood in the edge of the river...
Your face that appeared red...
Illuminated the sun in the afternoon...
You were not pretty...
But you were beautiful...
Pure beauty from your heart...
Your attraction...
It was so intoxicating me...
Made me could not...
When too long gazed at you...
Come here...
Rise to my boat...
Will be rowed by me through to the aim...
Don't you hesitant...
Will be brought by me...
Anywhere you wanted...
Don't also you were frightened...
My boat will not sink...
If you who joined in...
Not will be left alone by me...
Although only a drop of water...
Enter in my boat...
Each hole...
Already was mended by me...
With the strength of the feeling...
The feeling of my love...
To you...
I was convinced...
You knew...
I did not hope for the reply...
I only needed the understanding...
About the sincerity...
That could not be judged...
Only from the expression.

PERTAMAX YA MAS hehe terima kasih kunjungannya ya mas
jdi inget lagunya dewi lestari, aku hanya ingin dimengerti >.<
but, hahh..
hanya orang super wise yg bsa menerapkan kata "I did not hope for the reply...
@Elis...ya sama2 :)
@Chi...waduh mirip ya, aku belum pernah denger lagunya dewi tuh he2
Namanya juga perumpamaan wkwkwkwk
sptnya kamu sdg suka sama someone nih. hehhehe
very good blog...I enjoy reading original poems /// thanks for sharing..
@fanny...begitulah hihihi
@dean...Tq 4 u too :)
Your poems are very beautiful!
@SFU...mmm TQ :)
bener juga, untung gak ada puisi wajahmu seputih kapas. hehehe...ada juga, wajahmu sebening kaca ya. hi hi hi....
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