Give me thy fragrant...
In order to become my life breath...
And let me touch you...
To share the warmth...
My jasmine...
White was calming for the heart...
Flowed soft removed restless...
Lighted the feeling that became dark...
My jasmine...
You indeed not roses...
It was pretty that the form...
However thorny...
You also not the orchid...
That various colours...
But was thirsty for attention...
You were the sincerity...
That could not be compared...
My jasmine...
Blossomed beside me...
Welcomed the morning sun...
To the end of later.

duh, manis bgt. siapa tuh yg jadi Jasminenya? bisa klepek2 deh baca puisimu. hahahhha...
menarik sekali, blognya.
puisinya juga ok.
my jasmine, keponakan sy juga namanya yasmin.sama ya?ijin follow yap?
lama lama semua isi taman pindah kemari wkwkwk
aku suka bau melati, harum dan menenangkannn
@Fanny...Tq, puisi ini memang untuk seseorang yang telah memutihkan kelamnya rasa di hati..he22
@Neng_rara...Wa'alaikum sallam...tq praise n follow nya he2,btw salam buat ponakannya, bolehlah puisi ini kupersembahkan utk dirinya :)
hello ,wow its wonderful poem i jut remembered the beautiful plant of jasmine in my house of village and i used to watch and write about in same poetic way thanks for sharing take care
@Mocca_Chi...pinginnya tak masukin semua, tapi gak muat wkwkwkwk...nih melatinya untukmu biar kamu lebih tenang :)
@Baili..Tq, glad if could revealed memories about ur village :)...n Tq 4share too :)
salam sobat
puisinya untuk sang pujaan hati ya,,
si Jasmine,,,
siip banget..
salam kenal ya,,
saya sudah follow nich ya,,
@Nura..Tq, jasmine cuma symbol aj :) coz she's sincere like jasmine he2..n salam kenal balik sobat :)
Hi, nice to visit your blog...
Hmm, I think this poem can touch every heart that read. Wish your jasmine will blossome beside you and together until the end of time...
@Rita..Tq 4 visit n Tq 4 ur wish..amin :)
Waduh ga nyangka, background foto profilnya MU tp bisa merangkai kata2 puitis yg manis nan romantis
Ijin follow ya..siapa tau puisinya bisa dipinjem buat ngerayu cewe hehehehe
@Exort...He2 MU team favoritku Bro, btw Tq praise n follow nya :) boleh2 aj siapa tau berhasil he2
Aaarggh..logat inggrisku jasmine where are you..? Ha ha
kunjungan balik.wah...yang mana nih jasminenya?hehehe.nice poem.makasih kunjungannya ya.
@Alijaini...Tq dah mampir :), jasminenya lagi ngambek nih hehehe
@Aisha...Tq silaturahminya, Jasmine lagi mikirin nerima apa nggak cintaku hahahaha
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