The old women...

A woman who has been old...
Her skin very black chocolate...
Wrinkles everywhere...
Used the cover of the head...
Typically villagers...

Sold under the tent...
In the page of a post office...
Sought a living...
For the family in the house...

She really kind...
Clever at serving the buyer...
Friendly and Patient...
Really pleasant...
Felt in the deepest heart...

The sincerity...
And the softness...
Illuminated her old face...
Really calmed...
Could not be described...
With words...

Thank you...
Your spirit...
Your sincerity...
Your goodness...
Gave me the inspiration...
To more was motivated...
Fought to gain hope ...
Was not easy to surrender...
With the situation.


Cynths said...

I was really moved by your words...I wonder, is there a particular woman in your mind when you wrote this?...Just curious! Thanks for sharing!

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Chyntia..Yes,there is..i meet her when i go to post office in my town. At that time I bought the envelope at her place, then she gave me advice so that always the spirit and not easy surrendered in living... really I was still being touched because of the words...:)

none said...

setelah menyimak postingannya (plus komen diatas) ternyata puisi ini diberikan untuk seseorang yang memberikan kekuatan :)

baili said...

hi thanks for nice and helpful words ,pray is best we need .saw your post realty is always bit hard but beautiful ,in my village i saw some women who have won battle of life and shinning of face shows that will never give up

baili said...

hello i got an award from one of my friend according to the rules i have to forward it to my favorites,and you also come in them, plz come and accept your award

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@Henny...Betul nian Hen, aku ketemu ibu itu di kantor pos plembang, dak tau dio itu betul2 bersahaja, ngenjuk semangat dan pacak nian caro melayani konsumen, pokoknyo berkesan nian beliau itu buatku (sori campur bhs plembang):)
@Baili... Tq so much, thats all reality in this live...:) and May your country again be safe and peaceful like originally.. amen

fanny said...

Oo...very wise and kind woman.

Ibnu Mas'ud said...

Really - really great women !!

dewi said...

nice poem..sob, i think she gave u spirit n inspiration..

menjadikosong said...

i knew who is she...
