The sadness...
Felt in your heart...
The reality could not you denied...
It was increasingly heavy that the step foot...
Towards the future...
That not certainly...
Thought still was not clear...
Be full of the wish...
That was not given full rein to...
It did not yet become the reality...
Crowded was felt on the chest...
Filled by the breath that was kept...
Squeezed by the burden...
That could not you released...
Originally was seen by hope...
Evidently only a hammock...
To entertain the heart...
All happened...
Not need to you regretted...
Still will be tomorow.
hmm..siapakah dia?
sptnya sedang menyimpan beban berat ya.
btw, thanks utk supportnya. saya tetap semangat kok. tulisan I'm stuck itu kan cuma curhat aja. wajar toh, sbg manusia biasa saya juga bisa down. tapi I never give up. NEVER.
@fanny...itu aku, saat mengalami "stuck" spt dirimu :) terima kasih kembali, aku yakin soal semangat n never give up itu dah jadi prinsipmu,,,senang bisa berbagi semangat dengan sahabat :)
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