The option...

When we faced a choice...
We were often confused...
Whatever that must be chosen...

All input...
From closest people...
Made consideration...
Confused to increase...

Possibly must follow conscience...
But the heart has been already hesitant...
Certainly could not be followed...

Someone said...
"Chose that was best, around two ugliest"
Meaning that to choose something...
We must have the strong foundation...
To determine whatever that was best...

Possibly indeed must like that...
In order to not take the wrong decision...

We could know what will happen...
The confusion possibly will not be available...
We only humankind...
That did not have the power...
Determined something...
In accordance with our hope.


mocca_chi said...

live is a choice, and when you confuse to face one choice, when you can face the world? *koment sok tahu wkwkwk*

Aulawi Ahmad said...

@mocca_chi...Sometimes we must become the arrogant person in order to be able to remain in undergoing the life.
And the confusion was early towards the assurance.:)
Btw "Tq komentnya, gak sok tau kok" he22

Unknown said...

gak mudah mengambil keputusan ketika kita dihadapkan pada byk pilihan, tapi hidup itu memang harus memilih.
