The aim...

The life had the aim...
Not only to satisfy the requirement...
Not also only a to lived...

The aim was the direction...
The direction to reach something...
Something that could be in the form of goodness...
Or the weakness...

The aim...
That made the life more significant...
Have the motivation...
Have hope...
Have the method...
And the scheme...
In undergoing the life...

Not all the aims became the reality...
Want to happy even the misery...
Want to work, there is none that received...
Want to rich, did not have the income...

Such was lived...
The unemployment...
Not the aim of the life of humankind...
But that was resulting from...
From the aim that was not yet reached.


Anonymous said...

While the life has the aim indeed, we wish to want to live for to discover that, isn't it?
The above is the gift and we can just to choose. We either love and share the smile, or just talk about the love

Aulawi Ahmad said...

yes of course..i agree with u expecially about we can just to choose..such was lived :)

Unknown said...

When people can live for the power of love and not the love of power...they will be able to understand the true meaning of quality of life:)

Aulawi Ahmad said...

U right Mrs. Dorothy..Tq 4 Share :)
