The Sruggle...

The struggle...
In the life...
Aimed at receiving the happiness...

Many methods...
Humankind in getting that...
One of them by working...
Work as the employee...
And was the businessman...

Had strength and weaknesses...

To the employee must be obedient in the regulation...
Work in accordance with the superior's order...
Also attention to the subordinate...
Each month must be have income...

To the businessman was again heavier...
Beginning with early...
The process to the end of..
But compensation that was obtained...
In accordance with what was done...
Must not each month had revenue...

Such was the life...
Although being different...
The challenge...
The struggle...
The sacrifice...
And results that will be obtained...
But..... always continue to one aim.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is simply exquisite.
