Only for a moment...

Only for a moment...
The love began to grow again...
Hope to have...
To Loved...
To Care...

Only the temptation...
She only through...
To just said...
Just gave a little hope...

The annoyed feeling in the heart...
It did not yet say the love...
It did not yet say liked...

When the feeling began to grow...
To someone who was liked...
Often like this finally...
Just the intention in the heart...
Was broken before was said...

Must not choose...
Anyone that wanted...
It was unimportant that we liked...
Or not...

Possibly there is something wrong...
With our personality...
That must be repaired...
So that more had the value...
So as...
Deserved to be chosen...
And was owned...

That was good according to us...
That not necessarily was good...
According to the other person...
No need to become perfect...
To get the sweetheart...
That was important...
Always tried...
To better...
Good for ourselves...
Also for the other person.


Anonymous said...

this is beautiful.

Aulawi Ahmad said...

Tq..sist :)
