The meaning....

Made us...
More sensitive...
Was easy angry...
And could not think clear...

Be hungry that like the opium...
Caused the desire that must be filled...
By every means...
Did not care correctly or was wrong...

So the meaning of the fast...
Made us studying...
How controlled ourselves...
Felt the suffering...
People of hunger...

As far as us realised...
Comfort that was felt by us uptil now...
As well as understood...
The reason why humankind...
Could do determined...
For the sake of a rice bribe...

The fast was one of the religious teachings...
Could be applied by all humankind...
Must not be the same...
That was important...
It was benefit could be felt together.


Cynths said...

Very powerful words, so vivid and profound. Thanks for sharing!

Aulawi Ahmad said...

Tq Chintya...:)
