Always came...

The ordeal...
Always came...
When that was not hoped for...

The ordeal could came repeated...
Sometimes only from time to time...

The ordeal was the warning...
From the great Lord...
To test...
The Quality of human faith...

Many sorts...
The ordeal to humankind...
There were those who are heavy...
There were also those who are light...

Many also the method...
Humankind in facing that...
How to received that...

There were those who are strong...
Patient and grateful...
There were those who are weak...
Cried and mourned...
Moreover ended they life...

That was clear...
The ordeal not to be avoided...
Also could not be ignored...
Always must be ready to be dealt with...

The ordeal that was given by The Lord...
Will not exceed the limit...
The human capacity in receiving that.

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