The Jihad

The jihad was fighting in the way of Allah…
The soldier must be ready to Jihad against the enemy in the war…
The worker must be ready to Jihad for results that optimal…
The student must be ready to Jihad to can understand…
The father must be ready to Jihad formed the family that “sakinah”…
The mother must be ready to Jihad educated his child with kind…

So the shape of the jihad that reality….!
Struggled for kindness…
By Means Of that right…
And in accordance with the situation and condition…

What has heavent…
The bombing cruel…
Who the perpetratos
was the person who considered himself…
And that not the Jihad!!!!

1 comment:

Dannesya said...

itu cuma orang orang yang berlindung dibalik tameng agama... :)
